- May 16, 2021
- nail care
Why you shouldn’t bite your nails and cuticles
Why you shouldn’t bite your nails and cuticles
This bad habit usually appears at an early age in the childhood. However, some adults might also have it. Let’s first look at some of the reasons why people continue doing it.
Of course, each person has their own individual features. As for this particular one, here the possible causes that might be divided into the following points:
1. Stress.
Many researchers tend to argue that stress is the main reason for the development of the nail-biting habit, but this aspect has not been fully researched yet.
2. Mental issues.
Indeed, often people with OCD and other mental disorders are prone to constantly biting their nails. In this case, the only right solution is to ask for a specialist’s help, because usually such people are not limited to only this feature.
3. Inheritance.
Some experts say that this can be inherited. Pay attention to your relatives. Perhaps this observation will tell you the reason why you might have been exposed to this addiction.
However, in any case, this habit should be immediately eliminated, and for this we will give an example of some of the reasons:
1. A huge number of bacteria accumulates under the nails. We constantly touch something with our hands in public places – various objects, handrails, handles that other people have also touched before us. Even at home, there are places where bacteria can and most likely will be founded.
2. In addition to bacteria, under the nails can be all kinds of fungi and eggs of worms. I think the consequences of getting them into our body are obvious.
3. It is also harmful to the teeth. Biting off the nail plate can damage the tooth enamel. In rare cases, some people even had a displacement of the jaw.
4. In the same way, you can damage both the gums and the mucous membrane of the tongue. The resulting wound can get bacteria that will cause stomatitis.
5. If you chew the nail polish off your nails, it’s even worse, since most lacquers have a harmful toxic composition.
6. As a result of long-termed biting of the nails, they might shorten over time. And this is an irreversible process. Manicure on such nails will no longer look attractive.
We hope that this article will help you or your familiar people to get rid of this habit, although it is not easy for sure and we understand it. Do not forget to take care of your nails, file them in a timely manner and remove excess cuticles.