The straight razor, or ‘cut-throat’, is a classic shaving implement that not only looks cool, but also delivers the closest, smoothest finish. We offer a wide range of straight razors, all made using the highest quality materials and designed for optimum performance. Our straight razors are all by leading brands sourced from around the world and selected for their craftsmanship. Choose from the traditional style razor with a bevelled edge blade that needs sharpening, or keep things a bit simpler with one of our replaceable blade razors. Whether you’re a wet shave enthusiast or want to try the unique shaving experience of a straight razor for the first time, you’ll find the perfect straight razor right here.

Представлено 7 товаров

Giesen & Forsthoff's Timor Blue Steel 5/8" Straight Razor with Black Handle

Бритва Timor Blue Steel 5/8 "Giesen & Forsthoff с черной ручкой

94.50 $ USD
Giesen & Forsthoff's Timor Deluxe 5/8" Straight Razor

Прямая бритва Timor Deluxe 5/8 "от Giesen & Forsthoff с ручкой из черного дерева

124.50 $ USD
Giesen & Forsthoff's Timor Our Best 5/8" Straight Razor with Real Carbon Handle

Timor от Giesen & Forsthoff — наша лучшая прямая бритва 5/8 "с рукоятью из настоящего карбона

162.50 $ USD
Giesen & Forsthoff's Timor Deluxe 5/8" Straight Razor with Stainless Steel Handle

Прямая бритва Timor Deluxe 5/8 "от Giesen & Forsthoff с ручкой из нержавеющей стали

153.50 $ USD
Giesen & Forsthoff's Timor Special 6/8" Straight Razor with Ivory-colored Handle

Giesen & Forsthoff's Timor Special 6/8 "прямая бритва с ручкой цвета слоновой кости

98.50 $ USD
Giesen & Forsthoff's Timor Hamburg Ring 5/8" Straight Razor with Real Horn Handle

Кольцо Timor Hamburg 5/8 "от Giesen & Forsthoff, прямая бритва с рукояткой из настоящего рога

178.50 $ USD
Giesen & Forsthoff's Timor Special 6/8" Straight Razor

Giesen & Forsthoff's Timor Special 6/8 "прямая бритва с мраморной ручкой

169.50 $ USD